

Mastering Marketing Agility: Free Chapter

"If you’re looking for ways to kick-start your agile marketing journey, you’re in for a treat! As a thought leader for ICAgile who was critical to shaping the discipline of Agile marketing, Andrea provides the perfect blend of theory, practical advice, and humor in this book that will make your Agile marketing activities better. You’ll be sure to find something you’ll want to try immediately."

- Elisia Choi, Sr. Director of Marketing, ICAgile

  • Discover the new framework, Rimarketing, that AgileSherpas has used to guide thousands of marketers toward lasting agility. 
  • Find key ways to begin building the foundational principles that make Agile possible. 
  • Learn what the movie Grease has to teach us about the evolution of Agile marketing.

Early Praise for Mastering Marketing Agility:

"Andrea's contribution to both the marketing agility and broader business communities cannot be overstated. She has materially changed the path of many organizations by improving what they sell and how they sell it. This book is a combination of her research and experiences and is a must read for any marketer setting out on an agile marketing journey."